• slovenski,slovene,slowenisch

Cleaning & Maintenance


What color grout should I use?

The choice of grout color is a personal preference of the individual, and depends on the desired final appearance of your space. We would advise you to choose a color that will make your daily cleaning easier or that you consult an expert from whom you will buy the grout for advice.


How do I clean the tile?

During installation and grouting, remove excess adhesive and grout, as this will prevent the possibility of damage to the surface of tiles or corners. Glue in the joints can cause the grout to tint. Always clean the tiles with water and suitable cleaners.
Never use cleaning agents made on the basis of hydrofluoric acid or its derivatives. Hydrofluoric acid will cause irreparable damage to the surface of the tile.
As a general rule, the higher the slip resistance class, the harder is cleaning. Please take into account this fact when selecting the right tile for your intended use.